When you’re talking launch mindset, you also have to talk about the crux of this and it’s wanting to give up.
So how can you make sure you keep going during your launch?
Maybe you got bored, you think nobody will buy anymore or you’re already content about the results you’ve gotten but somehow you stop going with your launch.
So do you feel called out when I talk about how NOT to give up during a launch? Then obviously this is for you.
Why You Need To Be Selfish Sometimes
Why are you launching?
I want to take you to the heart of your launch. The heart of your launch is that sweet spot between why launching is a service while it’s also your main income. When you sell, you do it out of service to make other people’s lives easier. And on the other end, you sell and launch from a place of selfishness.
For example: you’re a sex coach and you simply want to help people have amazing sex and you get joy out of helping couples or people be intimate again.
And then you also have the selfish side when it comes to launching. And yes, I really mean to say “selfish” because if you’ve been following me for a longer time, you’ve probably heard me say that being selfish is good sometimes.
Take me for example: I really want to help entrepreneurs and people in general experience more financial freedom but I also want to become rich (or even richer).
And in our Belgian culture people would think I’m odd for saying something like that.
Guess what? Having a lot of money is amazing so it’s perfectly okay to satisfy both of those needs:
- Help people
- Make a lot of money doing it a.k.a. helping yourself
Because if you don’t help yourself enough, at a certain point you’ll be in the position you can’t help other people anymore either.
Learn To Take Ownership While Taking Care Of Yourself
Last year, I was launching but I was also going through a horrible break-up and as the last week of my launch rolled up, I really didn’t want to show my face anymore. I just wanted to be free to be sad and after all, I’d already received enough money to create a nice cash buffer.
But then I thought: “If I was a news anchor, I would also have to go to work and report the news.”
Me? I’m not a big fan of the hustle-until-you-die culture — big shock, I know.
But I’m also not a huge fan of the take-ownership-of-nothing culture. So I like taking ownership but I also like taking care of myself.
What I did? I still showed up but I gave myself some breathing room by cutting myself some slack and telling myself that it didn’t have to be perfect.
On the Sunday before the ending of my launch, I still had 5 days to go and I was ready to throw in the towel.
Selfishly, I wanted to give up so that would have satisfied me but what about the people that I was still going to help during those 5 days?
Let’s go back to the example of the sex coach: imagine you want to give up because you’re happy enough with your results. Yet there are always more people who really need your help like a couple who just lost their love and they’re lying in bed at night growing more distant.
The ripple effect you, as a sex coach, can save them from is huge and that applies to every business and sector out there.
When you want to give up, remind yourself of the people that you can still help. You’d be doing them a disservice by quitting your launch.
Stop Worrying About The Details And Start Taking Big Actions
Let’s say you’re really tired and you don’t want to follow your launch plan anymore or you simply don’t have one.
In Belgium, we say ‘de laatste loodjes wegen het zwaarst’ which roughly translates to ‘the last pounds weigh the heaviest’.
It basically means that your last efforts will always be the hardest.
It definitely applies to your launch because when you’re in the end stages, there’s still so much left to reap. At the end of your launch, it’s easily possible to still achieve 20% of your sales.
This happened to me during my million dollar launch – I had no plan to speak of and therefore, I had no clue what I was going to do.
If you’re in that position too or have been in the past, I want to invite you to join me in the Tabula Rasa exercise.
This exercise consists of throwing everything off the table and kind of starting anew with a different approach.
Do you feel like you have no energy left to put in a crazy amount of effort? Then Tabula Rasa the situation and determine your 80/20.
Take 10 post-its and write down 10 actions you could take in those final launch days. Then decide which of those 10 will actually make the difference for your results.
Specifically, I’m not telling you to do all the things because that can get overwhelming. What I am telling you is to do the right things.
If you would tabula rasa: what 2 actions would you take to end your launch on a good note?
The Resistance Weighs Heavier Than The Action You Should Take
What about all of those people waiting for you to convince them to buy?
Entrepreneurs often forget how many people there are in their audience who are so close to buying but need that extra little convincing.
The moral of the story is: don’t give up when you’re launching.
Because the internal discussion you’re having with yourself is actually your resistance and this weighs heavier than the actions you’re supposed to take.
The time and energy you spend on worrying about the things you should be doing is a lot heavier than actually doing those things.
To recap: you’re not doing anyone a service by giving up on your launch. Stop letting your brain and fear of failure trick you into not taking action.
Don’t let yourself down and keep working on the life you’ve been dreaming of.
And I’ll end with a quote by Banksy: “If you’re tired; learn to rest, not to quit.”
Do you feel like you’re struggling with your confidence a lot and do you want to work on your self-belief? Then I suggest you take a look at my free Belief Book where we break through your fear of failure and limiting beliefs. Download it for free through fastforwardamy.com/beliefbook
Listen to this episode via Apple Podcast, Spotify or wherever you get your podcasts, and search for episode 173 of The FastForwardAmy Show.
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