For many people, your 20s are a tumultuous time, and that was certainly the case for me. However, I learned a lot along the way, and in honor of my 29th birthday, I'm discussing 23 of the biggest lessons I've learned during this incredible decade of my life.
Whether you're in your 20s or not, the lessons I'm sharing in this episode can still apply to you, your life and your business. Let's get started!
Lesson #1: No one cares about your grades
Most of us are taught that our grades in school are incredibly important, but in reality, they don't matter very much. Unless you're trying to get a top position at a prestigious firm, simply graduating is perfectly fine — no need to stress yourself out about being at the head of your class.
Lesson #2: Don't worry about what people think of you
Here's the harsh truth: Most people are too focused on themselves to think of you much at all. As a result, it's time to let go of your worries about how others perceive you and do what YOU want to do.
Lesson #3: Stay hydrated
Water is always important, but it's especially critical to stay hydrated when you're in your late 20s and drinking alcohol. Your hangovers will progressively get worse (trust me on this!), so be sure to drink lots of water on those fun nights out.
Lesson #4: Skincare is important
Wear sunscreen. Every single day. Take your makeup off before you go to sleep, and even if you don't have makeup on, wash your face and moisturize. Your skin will thank you!
Lesson #5: Make informed choices about contraception (and always protect yourself)
No matter what you choose to use — hormonal birth control, condoms, fertility tracking, etc — make sure you are having safe, protected sex. Also: If you're noticing undesirable side effects from your birth control, please consult with your doctor, and get a second, third and fourth opinion if necessary. Advocate for yourself.
Lesson #6: Take your financial health seriously
Even if you're “good with money,” you may not be as financially savvy as you could be. Do your research, educate yourself and take ownership of your financial health. This may mean doing things differently than your parents did, and that's OK!
Lesson #7: Date, don’t commit
I've committed WAY too soon in the past, so please learn from my mistakes. Take your time, and if a relationship or partnership is no longer serving you, allow yourself to walk away without guilt.
Lesson #8: Take your supplements
I used to think supplements were bullshit, but over the past year, I've changed my opinion. Make sure you're taking the RIGHT supplements to help you with your own deficiencies, and commit to taking your supplements daily — not every once in a while.
Lesson #9: When people talk shit about others, they’re talking shit about you, too
This took me a long time to realize, but it's true. Gossiping, talking shit, whatever you want to call it — it's a form of negativity, and you don't need it in your life. If you're feeling like participating in this behavior, take a step back and ask yourself if your problem is about THEM or actually about YOU (spoiler alert: it's probably about you).
Lesson #10: Drink good wine
Don't drink crappy wine. Don't buy it and don't go to a bar that's going to serve it to you. Life is too short to drink bad wine.
Lesson #11: You’ll never regret spending money on a vacation
You may regret spending money on material possessions (especially because your tastes and preferences are going to change over time), but I can almost guarantee you will not regret spending money on a trip or an experience. Buy the plane ticket, pack your bags and ENJOY!
Lesson #12: Asking for and accepting help doesn’t make you weak
Reach out for help when you need it — don't let your pride and your ego get in the way. For example, I wish I had hired a business coach long before I actually did, and I wish I had gone to therapy years ago. Asking for and accepting help may make you feel scared and vulnerable, but it's how you grow stronger and get what you truly want.
Lesson #13: Be careful with whom you put your trust in
Not everyone deserves your trust, and unfortunately, there are people out there who are going to screw you over (or at least try to). To combat this, I recommend listening to your ‘bad’ gut feelings and gathering evidence to support your ‘good’ gut feelings.
Lesson #14: No one is coming to save you
This is why you must protect yourself and ensure that no matter what happens, you can take care of yourself. It sounds dark, but once you accept that no one is coming to save you, you can take control of your life. Prioritize your health, manage your energy, guard your finances, and make sure you are prepared to save YOURSELF if and when the time comes.
Lesson #15: Choose yourself first
What do you want to study? Where you do you want to live? How do you want your life to look? Your 20s are a wonderful time to be selfish, so take advantage of the opportunities that come your way. Be radically unapologetic about what you want — and go after it.
Lesson #16: Create a home you love by investing in good candles (among other things)
Buy the good candles. Invest in furniture that's not from IKEA. Get plants and take care of them. In your 20s, you'll be amazed at how important it is that your home feels relaxing, safe and calming, so create a space that aligns with your wants and needs.
Lesson #17: If It’s not a fuck yes, it’s a fuck no
Before you commit to anything, ask yourself: Is it a fuck yes? In other words, do you REALLY want to do what you're being asked to do? If not, the answer is fuck no. This can apply to moving forward in a relationship, taking on a new client, buying new clothes, and so on — if it doesn't spark joy, you don't need it.
Lesson #18: You are not intimidating; they are intimidated
If you have big dreams and are going after them, you may be perceived as intimidating or “too much.” That has nothing to do with you and everything to do with the person saying it, so don't listen to them. Don't let anyone dull your shine.
Lesson #19: Your network is your net worth
Yes, putting your head down and working hard is important, but so are relationships. Take the time to make the connections, form the relationships, and get to know people. You never know how your networking efforts may pay off down the road.
Lesson #20: Never borrow from tomorrow
Do the workout today instead of putting it off. Go to bed on time rather than staying up late scrolling on social media so you can feel your best the next day. When you're with your family and friends, be present and cherish your time with them. It's what you do TODAY that matters most, so avoid saving the important things for tomorrow. You'll always be thankful you put first things first.
Lesson #21: What got you here probably won’t get you there
Don't change something that's working well for you, but if your process is no longer serving you, it's time to make a shift. Reaching a new level in business or your personal life is likely going to require you to do something you've never done before, so don't be afraid to shake things up.
Lesson #22: Put your phone down
Your phone is sucking up more time than you realize, and it's probably making you borrow from tomorrow (remember lesson #20?). Put your phone down and live your life.
Lesson #23: Experiment with and explore your sexuality without shame
Ladies, you're not a slut for sleeping around. Have a one-night stand (safely, of course) if you want to. Explore and experiment with your sexuality, and have fun!
I hope these 23 lessons will help you and enrich your life, no matter your age or life circumstances!
If you're looking for business lessons, download my FREE Business Bible and get 29 of my best success principles that you can start implementing in your business today.
Watch this episode on YouTube, or listen via iTunes, Spotify, or wherever you get your podcasts, and search for episode 115 of The FastForwardAmy Show.
PS: Want to learn more on mindset and abundance, increase your authentic authority, scale your income and build a profitable business and brand? Make sure to get on the waitlist for my 6 month business coaching program, the Business Freedom Elevator™️.
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