Not so long ago I moved into my new house.
It has everything I ever dreamt about—a swimming pool, a wine cellar, a beautiful marble hall, and so much more.
I love it, and still, I feel very uncomfortable and a little afraid to share with you how I manifested this million-dollar house.
According to some, it was a bold move for a 27-year-old to buy such a house, and not everyone was supportive, but I did it anyway. I bought the house all by myself, without any financial support from family or friends.
As I’m saying this, I’m dead scared, but I want to show you that you can achieve what you want, too, and how you can manifest your dreams and make them happen, too.
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Envision your dreams
When the lockdown started back in March 2020, I was living in a small apartment.
Though I had redecorated the space a little and tried to make the most of it, it felt like it didn’t fit me, my lifestyle, and business anymore. It made me unhappy and a little claustrophobic.
I wanted more space, so I started to look for places to rent during the summer. A big villa where I could be with my family now that traveling was impossible.
It turned out, renting a villa like that was expensive but most of all: I couldn’t find any good, furnished options. It would be such a hassle, so instead, I started looking at what was for sale. And that was it. We came across this one home… And it was absolutely stunning. We were flabbergasted.
One thing led to another, and despite a lot of doubt about the house, I ended up buying it… by myself and without any financial help from my partner, my friends, or family.
To give you a little background:
A few years ago, I had absolutely nothing. I was in LA and visited this beautiful house—it was my dream house (marble, swimming pool, wine cellar…you name it).
At that moment, it hit me: “I want this too.”
I envisioned myself living in a place like this. Did I doubt at that time that I could do it? Maybe. But at the same time, I kept sending out energy into the universe of how amazing it would be to live like this.
So when I found the beautiful house in Belgium, I now call home, I started calculating and figuring out how to make this mine. A few years ago I was used to having between 0 and 1000 EUR in my bank account, so to make a decision like this was BIG.
BUT the most significant thing that happened was that I listened to my feelings. I knew this was it because it was what I had envisioned for several years.
Therefore, always envision your dreams. Make a vision board. What do you want to achieve?
Act like you already own it
Before I got into business coaching, I was a personal trainer, working with clients who hired me to come to their house.
I remember always wondering to myself how they could afford such big villas and even a personal trainer for hundreds of euros a week.
Only later did I learn about abundance and fully realized the power of manifesting. One huge part of manifesting what you want is seeing where something will get you long-term instead of thinking about where it will (not) get you short-term. Focusing on the short-term will only lead you to scarcity.
Therefore, if there’s something you want, go for it before you think you’re ready. Do something before the energy is there to CREATE the energy to do it.
For me, that meant signing for the house before I had the evidence to do it. By signing the agreement, I got myself the evidence that I could do it.
In other words, you create the energy to ‘do the thing’ before you’re ready and that is how you manifest. Manifesting is acting like it’s already there.
Don’t listen to the naysayers
Speaking about the house like this sounds like the ultimate dream, but the road to here was an uphill battle.
According to society, a 27-year-old shouldn’t be buying a house like this.
That’s bullshit! Don’t listen to whatever society tells you.
I truly believe you can do anything you want and set your mind to. If you want to fund a school, live in a million-dollar house, or have a private jet, you CAN achieve that.
Our society makes us believe we can’t do stuff. But that’s not true. We can all do what we want if we harness that energy, that abundance into achieving what we desire.
You will meet people questioning you:
“Isn’t it too soon?”
“Are you sure you want to take that risk?”
But you can’t be listening to naysayers, and you especially can’t be listening to the naysayer inside of you.
If you genuinely want to create abundance in your life and manifest whatever you want, you need to believe.
Whatever your mind believes, it achieves.
If you believe, you can create amazing things. I allowed myself to believe I could have a life like that, and I allowed myself to believe I was worth it.
So, start believing in yourself and your dreams and don’t listen to naysayers.
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Start thinking more abundantly
To experience the real power of manifesting, you need to start thinking more abundantly. And that also includes doing things before you feel you’re ready.
Sure, I doubted myself. I was scared shitless. But I kept on saying to myself, “I’m buying the house before I can, so I can”.
You need to believe more than to doubt.
Surround yourself with the things you want. If you don’t, you will not know what you’re looking for.
Of course, there’s a balance to strike between abundance and smart money management, but always think about what the return on investment is for yourself.
By investing in this or that, taking that course, buying that house, or hiring a coach, think about the energy that it’s going to generate for you and how it will make you feel.
Think about the energy it’s going to give you and the space it’s going to create, so you can get into your zone of genius and think even more abundantly.
Remember, don’t let go of your dreams. Everyone else will tell you it can’t be done. You will say to yourself it can’t be done but listen to that other voice—the voice of hope saying: IT CAN BE DONE.
Watch this episode on YouTube or listen via iTunes, Spotify, or wherever you get your podcasts, and search for episode 62 of The FastForwardAmy Show.
Do you want to learn how to rewrite your own story with money and create new money mantras? I've created a Money Mindset Guide that teaches you how to
- Become a money magnet
- Cultivate a millionaire's money mindset
- Break negative money beliefs
PS. The doors are CLOSING very soon to The Business Freedom Elevator™. If you want in, make sure to sign up before January 31. This could be your LAST CHANCE. I don't know when or even if we will be hosting another round of The Business Freedom Elevator™.

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My husband and I found our dream house today; as entrepreneurs at a similar place in our journey, we thank you for inspiring us with your story.